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London Eucharistic Octave 2022: Sung Mass in Latin opening Quarant'Ore
London Eucharistic Octave 2023: Sung Mass in Latin opening Quarant'Ore
London Eucharistic Octave 2022: Sung Mass in English closing Quarant'Ore
Eucharistic Adoration during Quarant'Ore
London Eucharistic Octave 2023: Mass in the Ordinariate Use
London Eucharistic Octave 2021: Mass in the Ordinary Form
Eucharistic Adoration during Quarant'Ore
London Eucharistic Octave 2023: Mass in the Dominican Rite
London Eucharistic Octave 2021: Requiem Mass with Absolutions
RCC: Quarant'ore or written in one word Quarantore
November 2022 Sodality Mass with Cardinal Sarah
London Eucharistic Octave 2023: Pontifical Mass of Corpus Christi with Cardinal Nichols